Monday, July 11, 2011

Avocado Toast

I've recently developed a serious addiction to avocado. Don't get me wrong, I've always loved it--I eat guacamole every chance I get--but this is something different altogether. Different as in, I've eaten an avocado every single day for the past month or so. So, yeah. It's a pretty intense attachment. It all started when I ordered the avocado toasts from the little juice bar at Great Jones Spa downstairs from the CA Creative offices. They were divine. Served on lightly toasted sprouted bread with a thin, creamy layer of tofutti, topped with sliced avocado, olive oil, and a sprinkling of salt and pepper, they were the very definition of the simple, easy, deliciousness I so love in my meals. And so, of course, I had to recreate it at home.

I bought a sprouted bagel from Whole Foods, a few just-ripe avocados, and went home to try to up the recipe--perfect perfection, if you will. And you know what? I think I just succeeded. The key is in the salt. I used Maldon sea salt, and although it will be just fine with regular sea salt or Kosher salt, the Maldon takes it to the next level. Best part is, this is some seriously healthy stuff. Some nutritionists actually recommend that you eat an avocado a day for all the cholesterol-lowering, nutrient-absorbing benefits it bestows. Sprouted bread is even better for you than multi-grain. And tofutti is the non-dairy, vegan's answer to cream cheese. Awesome. xo

Avocado Toasts
Sprouted bagel or sprouted sliced bread
1 organic avocado
Extra-virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon Tofutti
Maldon sea salt
Black pepper (freshly ground, if possible)

Slice the bagel in half lengthwise and toast. I don't have a toaster (takes up too much counter space), so I drizzled some olive oil in a nonstick pan over medium heat and toasted the halves face-down for a few minutes until they were nicely browned and crisp at the edges. Spread the Tofutti evenly on both slices. Drizzle with a little olive oil. Pit and thinly slice the avocado. Lay the slices gently down on both halves. Sprinkle with a pinch of Maldon salt and a few grindings of fresh black pepper. Enjoy.


  1. This looks delicious! I also have a little obsession with avocado... hopefully I'll be able to find Tofutti and Maldon so I can recreate this recipe!

  2. They're both sold at Whole Foods!

  3. Great recipe but I don't know why I always feel sick after eating avocados. Maybe because it's too rich for me or something. Weird.

  4. Beautiful photo styling. My favorite foods are simple meals like this. I will try this recipe!
    Van // The Clothes We Wear

  5. Yummy! I loove the spicy eggs and avocado toast from The Fat Radish. These seem so easy to make, I need to start making variations of it at home.

  6. Ooh I've never had that from The Fat Radish! I'll have to order it the next time I'm there.

  7. Ooooh, this sounds wonderful, but I'll be using my Himalayan pink salt (from Sustainable Sourcing ), so-so-so good! Thanks for posting this recipe!! Ymmmm...

  8. You know, I've never actually worked with Himalayan pink salt, but I've always wanted to try it out. Putting it on my grocery list!

  9. The day I discovered avocados I thought- what a strange looking obscure thing to eat. Low and behold it changed my life forever and let it just be said I'm an expert avocado picker and eater. I literally eat them daily and will and this to my repetoire!! Love your posts and your writing.


  10. This is a great basic recipe. This also can be used as a spread for a sandwich.My favorite!
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  11. I love this. I have avocados in my fridge. This will be a nice thing to try.
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